Grange Youth Fair Program

What it Costs, How are Funds Raised


What It Costs As A Member:

As an individual, the dues to the Community/Subordinate Grange as provided in the laws of the Order, is the only required financial obligation that a member must maintain in order to continue to be a member.

When a member participates in the Grange Youth Fair Program (GYFP), they may take upon themselves an obligation to assist with fundraising efforts. This obligation will vary with each local program.


Program Related Costs:

Each GYFP may have some costs related to its program. One such example is member vests.


Fund Raising By Local GYFP:

Each GYFP may conduct fundraising event as necessary to meet the cost of the program.

Each GYFP will need to coordinate with their own Community/Subordinate Grange with regard scheduling and the use of Grange faciities.

Your GYFP fundraising events do not require any approval from the California State Grange as long as they are local in nature.