Current Grange Policy

Each year the various Granges within California will send two delegates to the Annual Session of the California State Grange. At this session, the resolutions that were submitted by Granges will be refered to committees who will review them, and they will make recommendations regarding the possible adoption of said resolution.

The Delegates to the Annual Session will hear the recommendation of the committees. Each resolution will be discussed, amended if needed, and ultimately delegates will vote to adopt, reject or refer back to committee these resolutions.

Committees will also be review our current policy handbook and removing policies that have been enacted into law or policies that no longer need to be the focus of our current efforts.

It should be noted that policies removed from the handbook, unless they were repealed by resolution are still active and can be used to support legisation. It is entirely possible that a policy adopted in 1901 could be used to support current legislation.

Thus, from the grassroots of our organization, policy will be formed. After the Annual Session, the policies adopted will be incorporated into our policy handbook and made available to our members and others.

View the current policy handbook.

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