How Policy is Made

The Grange is a true grass roots organization, especially when it comes to adopting the policies that guide its Advocacy program. We do not have a Board that seats around a table and thinks up policy for us. Policy starts with a resolution. That resolution may be submitted by a Community Grange, a District Grange, or in some cases it may originate on the floor of Annual Session of the State Grange.

When a resolution is submitted to the State Grange, it is assigned to Resolution Committee for initial processing.

Resolution Committees are appointed by the State President and are composed of members of Community and District Granges. Typically there are five or seven members on each committee.

The Resolution Committee is charged with the task of making sure that the resolution is not already Grange policy. Next, if the resolution is not already policy, they will determine if it should be adopted as policy or not. As part of this process the Resolution Committee will clean up the language, spelling, grammer of resolutions they want the Grange to adopt.

On thing a Resolution Committee can not do is to change the intent of the resolution. An example of changing the intent is changing the resolved from a supportive position to one opposing a position.

When a committee is finished with its work, the Resolutions are presented to the delegates at the State Session. The delegates can amend the Resolution, send it back to committee for more work. In the end, the delegates will either adopt the Resolution or reject it.

If the delegates adopt the resolution, it will become a part of the policies of the California State Grange

Adopted resolutions that are National in scope can be sent to the National Grange for further consideration.

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